
for Linux:

PWcup_2.3_bin_x64.tar.gz  (2.3 Mb)

PWcup_2.3_bin_x64.tar.bz2   (2.2 Mb)


for Windows 32:  (1.2 Mb)


NOTE: The links are updated. Please report any bug or suggestions in order to include them in the next version.

Additional links

- The latest release of the Quantum-ESPRESSO
    from GitHub
    from GitLab
- Ready-to-use pseudopotentials from the QE website.
- More about pseudopotentials libraries.


version 2.3 : (Oct 07, 2019)

- The major change concerns the task's part. Now it is possible to setup the parallel execution, the hosts file must be defined in the settings section.
- Other changes have been made to optimize the job files.
- Some bugs fixed, in particular on "New project" section.
- Improve the handling with config file, "pwcup.cfg".


version 2.2 : (Dec 24, 2018)

- The major change is the addition of total energy versus K-points optimization in the task section.

- The possibility to open recent projects from the main menu.

- Bugs fixed in the tasks section, especially in generating input files for "relax", "vc-relax", "md" and "vc-md"

- Bugs fixed in the plot section and addition of high symmetry axis in the band structure plot.

- Bugs fixed in the 'New project' section.


version 2.1 : (Dec 16, 2017)

- The main panel shows more options.

- Troubles about loading some files has been fixed.

- bugs fixed in the 'New project' section.

- Tasks part improved with some bugs fixed.

- A big improvement in plot section. Now you can change line style, color etc...

It's also possible to export graph in various extensions (PDF, PNG, EPS and SVG).


New in ver 2.0 : (2016)

- Interface look improved with some new functionalities

- Capability to use external editor (defined in settings)

- Troubles about reading some input files has been fixed

- Bugs fixed in task section

- Bugs fixed in plot section


ver 1.0 : (2016)

- first release


This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.


Trouble shooting

A possible message like: “error while loading shared libraries:” occurs. In this case try executing ./pwcup from the prompt (the recommended way).